
Woodchipper makes you want to be a badass; a big, axe wielding, take no mercy, wood
chopping, lumberjack Viking mother$%&*ing type of badass. We’ve come up with a crazy
complex mix of the best wooded scents including the classic sandalwood and cedar,
sparing no expense to bring this Woodchipper scent out of the lumber mill and right to you.
Top Notes: Sandlewood, Cedar, Vetiver, Oakmoss

Black Sails:
Our Black Sails line was developed with only one thing in mind, VACATION.
That means tropic beaches, drinks, and getting to light a fire inside of
a beach pit full of driftwood. To bring on the vacation, we came up with the perfect
blend of sweet citrus notes, along with hints of warm vanilla and coconut.
It’s one of our most popular blends, and sells like crazy.
Top Notes: Sweet Orange, Red Mandarin, Vanilla, Coconut

Catch Hell:
CAMPING. Forest and wooded scents, fresh spring grass and campfire, all of it.
We created this line as a rugged campsite aroma that smells so good it'll have
the devil on your heels and testing God all the same. It’s a tricky, tricky thing
combining these kinds of scents without rocking the boat and having it come out as a can
of bugspray. It’s fresh, manly, outdoorsy, and another of our most popular blends.
Top Notes: Forest Green Oils, Cedar, Birch, Amber

Forty Five:
Cash in with this blend of citrus and mint that is so good and fresh, you'll think it
comes straight from the devil's right hand. This blend was designed to slap that
yawn right out of your damned mouth and get you going for the day. The citrus will
seriously get you out of bed, and the mint is so strong it’ll leave you tingly all over.
You’re welcome.
Top Notes: Lemon, Crisp Orange, Peppermint

This awesome scent blend smells like home, and was made with all happy thoughts to
never surrender the mantra of never giving up. It’s a strong mix of sandalwood and
cedar blends, blended together with oakmoss and fresh tobacco for smoothness, and a dash of
coffee and vanilla for that warm tingly feeling.
Top Notes: Vanilla, Tobacco, Cedar, Sandalwood

This is a robust bohemian blend of spices and woods, made for growing the manliest
of staches. Working together, these scents create a story of opposing forces
coming together to create one of our wildest blends, cloves and sandalwood. Don't stop
now, break free with this blend and be the champion mama always said you were.
Top Notes: Sandalwood, Cloves, Oakmoss, Cedar

Heads'll roll with K.O.'s one-two punch of spicy and sweet that finishes things
off a slight bit jasmine. We’ve taken the time through trial and error to give a sweetness
that is immediate and refreshing; while the mentioned spices keep you going throughout the day.
This blend mixes everything together with smooth vanilla, nutmeg, and cloves.
Top Notes: Vanilla, Corriander, Cloves, Patchouli

Midnight Towers:
Midnight Towers is absolutely our most popular scent. It's made for all of our fellow night owls out there that are
just getting revved up when the clock strikes twelve and the night city grows. It’s
blended with coffee oil, that’s right – coffee, to keep you awake, but also
vanilla, a hint of chocolate, and mint, to keep you going while watching the
horizon glow.
Top Notes: Coffee, Chocolate, Peppermint

This mix is a crazy blend of citrus and spices diving off a cliff on a white pony
while blowing your $%&*ing mind buddy. It's citrus and spice and not a damned thing nice.
Strap on your rocket skates and head back to school boys, Tempest is bold, extremely bold,
with a sweet citrus finish.
Top Notes: Ginger, Nutmeg, Cloves, Red Mandarin, Corriander

Brunch Rum Punch:
Remember that scene in every movie involving a dance that has a punch bowl where somebody
spikes it? Well, our Brunch Rum Punch is like that, but better, because we twisted your
favorite fruit punch flavor with a bit of sweet butter rum. So yes, fruity, citrus-y,
and sweet butter rum. It’s the best blend for any season.
Top Flavors: Fruit Punch, Buttter Rum

This particular lip balm is a blend of your favorite flavors for toast, baking,
a million other things, and it is simply perfect. It chocolatey and creamy, and instantly
reminds you of desert topped with hazelnuts. Just a reminder, don’t eat our lip balm.
Seriously, you have to resist, we can only warn you so much that they’re not edible.
Top Flavors: Chocolate and Hazelnut

Some of our flavors sound like they're just crazy, but trust us when we say that coconut
and mint are the perfect blend of sweet and minty cool freshness that you never knew you
were craving. It’s cool and works well in the summer time, and really any other time of
the year.
Top Flavors: Coconut and Mint

Yes, you can haz pancakes. In fact, we made this Lip Balm to be just what your best memory
of pancakes smothered in maple syrup is like, and then we put a cap and label on it,
just for you. We want our lip balms to not only protect your chapped lips but to be
a guilty pleasure.
Top Flavors: Maple $%&*ing Syrup

Pecan Pie:
We really decided to pull out all of the stops when it came to making our Lip Balm some
of the most desirable flavors possible, and Pecan Pie is no different. This Lip Balm is
pure bliss and will make you think you need to start counting calories because it is
indeed that good, but your lips will thank you for the help, we promise.
Top Flavors: Vanilla, Pralines, Caramel

Pink Lemonade:
Nothing says pure summer joy like pink lemonade. Tart, but sweet, this flavor of lip
balm has it all, and works for all seasons. It's one of our favorites, and will definitely
be yours as well. Bring on the summer memories!
Top Flavors: Pink Lemonade, Strawberry

Our Pom-Berry Lip Balm is a sinfully happy little mix of blueberries and pomegranates.
Two of the best fruit flavors around contrasting for sweet and tart flavors, why not
combine them!? We do what we want! Why the hell isn't this being done everywhere?!
It's amazing!
Top Flavors: Pomegranate, Blueberry

Rootbeer Float:
Who doesn’t want to be a kid again? Ok, better yet, who didn’t love rootbeer floats
as a kid? Well if you didn’t, we’re sorry, ‘cause we did, and we made them into Lip
Balm! Seriously though, no matter the time of the year, if your lips are in need, this
stuff is amazing. A little of the rootbeer, a little of the vanilla cream, and you’ve
got the perfect blend for a lip balm that even the manliest of men love.
Top Flavors: Rootbeer, Vanilla Cream

Toffee Coffee:
This one was made was for those with a sweet tooth indeed. We blended our favorite
english toffee syrups with our dark roast coffee flavor oils to come up with a
deliciously blended Lip Balm. It’s sweet, but makes you feel like a cozy Sunday
where you don’t have a damned thing to do but just relax. Perfect for the average
joe, night owls, and coffee lovers the world over.
Top Flavors: English Toffee, Dark Roast Coffee

White Russian:
We made sure to abide by all the rules when it came to blending this Lip Balm, and it is indeed
the cultured mix you come to expect of coffee liqueur, rum, and a dash of cream. Seriously,
dude, it is the drink flavored lip balm of champions, whether your sport is bowling or otherwise.
Top Flavors: Rum, Vanilla Cream, Dark Roast Coffee, Caramel